Saturday, May 2, 2009

This I Believe

You are probably thinking about your "This I Believe" essay.  For this last blog discussion, explain what your core belief is.  What belief is the center of your life and actions and attitude.  What belief drives your life? If we had class on Tuesday, we would have done this there.  

I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for such a good class.  I can't adequately tell you what it means to me as a teacher to have a group of students teach me so much--and remind me repeatedly what a joy and blessing my job is.  Best of luck to you all.  Look me up now and again.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Terrorist World View

We discussed what the text calls the two dominant images of the World War II Cultural Matrix:  The Holocaust and the Atomic Bomb.  In both those instances, how did the values the support technology challenge ( and, you might argue, defeat) the values that oppose technology?

It has been more than a generation since those horrors of World War II, but in our current war on terror--or whatever the terminology is today-- how are the same values that were in play in the 1940s still active?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Valuing Technology

I loved the Conan clip yesterday in the combined session that illustrates how we live in a "Science Fiction World."  In what specific ways to we show how we value technology (and the the values that support it) in our culture today?  Do you think that our valuing of toys, size, information, and speed and what they can bring to our lives override the values that oppose or conflict with technology (the subjective values) ?  Can we reconcile those conflicts?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Evolutionary World View and University College Day

I saw many of you in the keynote address on Tuesday, Thank God for Evolution.   If you attended that lecture, what did you think of the idea of an "evolutionary world view," or how evolution helps us understand ourselves and our world without removing the importance of the spiritual?   Or you can just discuss what you thought of the ideas Rev. Dowd presented.  What ever you do, discusss the relationships between the values associated with science and the values associated with faith, and how, or if, Rev. Dowd reconciles the two.

Alternatively, if you did not attend that lecture, what session did you attend and how can you apply our broad discussion of values to the presentation you heard.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Week off

As the portfolios were due on Thursday and we won't start the new unit until Tuesday, April 14, because of University College Day and Easter Break, we won't do a blog discussion this week.

I will post again next Friday, April 10.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Propaganda and You

Now that we have really discussed how propaganda works, at least according to Adolph Hitler, think about how you can recognize propaganda when you see it.  First define it and then give examples of how you might have been influenced by propaganda and when you recognized it and resisted it.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Is Freud Valid?

As a reminder, the first post for this prompt is not due until 3/24.  I hope you all have a restful Spring Break.

When we discuss the ideas of Sigmund Freud, we tend to focus on his quite controversial ideas about sexuality.  He does, however, have some valid points about how the mind works.  What connections can you make between his ideas about the validity of dreams as ways to understand the self and the values of the WWICM?