Friday, April 17, 2009

Valuing Technology

I loved the Conan clip yesterday in the combined session that illustrates how we live in a "Science Fiction World."  In what specific ways to we show how we value technology (and the the values that support it) in our culture today?  Do you think that our valuing of toys, size, information, and speed and what they can bring to our lives override the values that oppose or conflict with technology (the subjective values) ?  Can we reconcile those conflicts?


  1. We have value technology through the usage of the internet, cell phones, ipods, etc. It would be quite difficult to find a person under the age of 25 that doesn't own a cell phone or any other type of technology. When you think about it, people practically have technolody at the center of their lives. Some people have become so technology dependent that the mere thought of being without it causes negative feelings. Technology is valued so greatly in culture today because it provides efficiency, experts, and wonder over understanding.
    It's said to say that our values of toys, size, speed, and information does in deed override the subjective values that oppose the objective values of technology. I don't see any reconcilation in the near future of these opposing conflicts but there is always hope that something big will happen that might mean sacrificing in order to reconcile.

  2. Well, I think that we show in many different ways that we value technology; for starters our recent obsession with internet social networks such as: Twitter, Myspace, and Facebook (among the most well known) and the fact that our cell phones are never further than inches away from our grasp. The fact that we value watching television (reality shows) over reading and we'd rather exercise on machines such as, the treadmill rather than going out for a walk. We can't live without the microwave and would much rather use tile and carpet vacuums over the old broom. Handwriting is a thing of the past and so are post cards and the old "mail place," today--we much rather, sending a mass email and paying our bills online and we become upset at the smallest malfunction or delay in the process (as if we could not live without it all)!!!
    And yes, I definitely think that valuing such things might over ride us someday--we never just relax and go to a picnic or the park...we live to be in huge department stores and shopping malls.
    And I am not sure if we can reconcile with these conflicts.

  3. In my opinion, society as a whole, values technology too much. We have 10 years with cell phone, i pods, internet service and game boxes. Technology has made our society dependent on all of these modern conviences.

    How is it affecting our youth? A lot of our children are over weight. Back in the old days, I go around to everybody's house and I would get enough guys (8 to 16 friends)to play baseball, football, basketball or go swimming. It was great. All of these activities were outside. We played these games all year round. When the last time you seen a bunch of neighborhood kids playing out side?

    A lot of parents come home from work and all they do is eat and watch TV. They do not interact with their kids or ask "how was your day"? They dont' go out side and play catch or take their kids to the park to play some ball. Adults would rather stay inside their modern house or drive their new cars to Jack in the Box or micro wave their dinners. This valuing of their "toys" is conforming their belief and dependence on modern technology.

    Technology is great but, depending on it isn't. The next time the electricity goes out in your house or the whole neighborhood,please remember that.


  4. The present generation relies largely on technology because, for the most part, young people have not had to grow up without it. Nowadays we have computers, cell phones, hd tv, video games...The list goes on. It's obvious that people put a lot of value on these things because they are widely used and if you ever took these away, people would feel lost. I personally would be lost without my laptop or cell phone because those both keep me connected to others.
    Even classes rely on internet and computers (this one most definitely). Teachers use powerpoints and sometimes Smart Boards.Sometimes it's all unnecessary, as if people just want to take the lazy way out and in the process it dumbs us down.
    I think that the values of speed, toys, information and size have taken over the subjective values for most. The only thing that can reconcile these values is using technology in moderation. But is that ever going to happen?

  5. fggonzalez,

    I agree with your assessment of families today. I like how you pointed out that even parents are guilty of laying around the house playing with their "toys". I'm guilty of coming straight home and getting on the internet or playing video games. I would love to play basketball or swim, and I'm sure these things are better for me than what I actually do all day.

  6. As a whole, our society has become obsessed with technology. For the past few decades we have been locked in an arms race with ourelves to keeps up with the ever changing and ever improving technology. In the past few years even young children can be seen equiped with cell phones, ipods and other such technology that untill recently was unaailable. This ever increasing obsesion with technology has overtaken the subjective value and the only way to reconcile this is to find some kind of respect and independence from the technology hat has taken over our society.

  7. We value technology in many ways, computer, cell phones, ipods, and video games. The century we live in is fascinated with technology because we live in a material world, (and like the song goes, I am a material). We are all material people. We always want the newest technology that is in style. I know many middle school and elementary kids that have cell phones and know how to work with technology better then their parents can. Yes I do believe that our values of toys, size, information and speed override the values that oppose with technology because we want the fast, smallest/biggest toy (technology) that we can find. I don’t think we can reconcile those conflicts because we are so in love with technology that its too hard to go back to the way things were before, cell phones, internet and so on. We can only keep advance in technology and moving it a technology world.

  8. The value of Technology is demonstrated nearly every few minutes in our lives. People are constantly on their phones, on the internet, in their car or using some other new gadget. Our current society is infatuated with technology; the people always want things and information faster. It is extremely hard to balance the values of technology and the subjective values. In our society a person feels the constant need to be up to date and own the latest toy, computer, or phone. I don’t see reconciliation with the subjective values in the near future.

  9. In today’s culture we hold technology on a pedestal. We value technological appliances, such as televisions, computers, and cellphones because of their size and because they are fast and provide us with immediate information. However, some of us remain unaware of how the excess use of technology has made our generation lazy and impatient. We, as a society, have come to value television so much that the appliance has become the focal point of our living rooms. Instead of having a conversation with our family or going for a walk at the park, we sit around like couch potatoes watching our big screen televisions, because for some reason we think the bigger the television is the better. In addition, we are likely to have a television in every bedroom. Our valuing of television and media has interfered with our ability to form our own thoughts and opinions about issues that concern us. Furthermore, our love of computers and high-speed internet has also made us lazy. We simply type in keywords into the Google search engine instead of going to a library and finding information in a book. And now with laptops, we can carry a computer with us wherever we go. Its portable size makes it easier for us to carry it around. It is as if we cannot be away from computers for even a second. Cell phones have also made us impatient because of all the information they place at our fingertips. Now a days cell phones that can fit in our pockets are equipped with internet and have camera capacity. As years go by, new inventions will be made and I believe that our dependence on technology will be even greater. I do not see a reconciliation between our love of technology and our personal ideas, thoughts, and feelings in the near future because we are more concerned with having something that is sparkly and shiny.

  10. I found what Karla did said about how today technology is valued greatly as useful. I found her examples of the latest internet obsessions- MySpace and Facebook to be useful. And the comment she made of how our cells phones aren't far from us but right there to be sad but true. I'm guilty of it and I'm VERY sure that I'm not the only one. It's true how people don't even write letters anymore people would just rather send an email. To me, growing up, I always thought letter writing was more significant than a phone call because you are taking out the time to write a letter rather than picking up the phone or sending an email. It's true what Karla D. said about how people don't even use the good ol' broom to clean anymore. I found the comment Stephanie made about how technology is placed on a pedestal to be useful and truthful. It's interesting how majority of those who participated in the blog don't feel a reconcilation will take place, that should tell you how much technology has impacted the world.

  11. I think in alot of ways we are way to dependent on technology, and it has become a major value of our society. There are many studies that show that eating with your family improves self- asteem and grades. But to often everybody eats somewhere seperate so that they can watch tv or talk on the phone. The problem is what if one day all technological appliances stop what would we do with ourselves. We would be in serious trouble. I do think we can bridge the gap instead of driving to the store walk if its not to far,just simple things we can do so that weare not always so technology dependent. Don't get me wrong though valuing technology is not all bad it has made life much easier and that is a good thing. We don't need technology to socialize, yet facebook is a form of technology that allows people to socialize, so that combines traditional values with technology. However i really hate texting because i can't understand the the crazy abreviations.

  12. I agree with Francisco’s assumption that technology is to blame for children being overweight. Now with the technological gaming appliances, such as the PlayStation, Wii, and Xbox, children would rather be inside playing video games all day instead of going to the park and playing baseball or going for a swim. In my experience, I have young cousins who become entranced when they are playing video games. It is like they are not even aware of what is going on around them because they are so focused on reaching the next level of the game. By being glued to video games children place their health at risk. They can become overweight because of the lack of activity. Furthermore, children as well as adults no longer socialize as much. Sure, we cans send each other text messages and emails, but it is as if we no longer value face to face conversation. But, our love of wonder over knowledge and our fascination for shiny things will continue to override subjective values.

  13. I totally agree with fggonzalez most parents come home from work and they eat and watch television. In addition, it is so true that people are so into technology that they would rather go in their big SUV's "toys," to Jack In the Box rather than staying home and making a home cooked meal. And I hadn't realized that cell phones have only been in our lives for about ten years and yet, we have become almost completely dependent (this is a saddening fact) in ten years we have become people who watch television, read email, send text messages, play games, take pictures/videos and make phone calls all on one small device. The cell phone in my opinion should have stayed at phone calls (although I am guilty myself of txting) it's sad how technology oriented we are and that we are so separated from humanity (eachother) that we don't even make time to call but, keep it to depending on our cell phones to deliver messages.

  14. I also liked the Conan clip that we saw about how we live in a “Science Fiction World.” I think that now days that is the only way we know how to live. I was born in Mexico and I lived there for part of my childhood, then my parents decided to come to America. My life changed completely. In Mexico we walked everywhere! We walked to school, to the store, to a friend’s house, to the park. When we finished our homework we would go outside and play many different games outside. But then I came here to the United States and I couldn’t walk anywhere. I had to wait for my parents to drive me to the park, and I saw that many of the kids here didn’t go outside to play. All my new friends at school would talk about watching TV, and playing video games. It was just a very new experience to me. I grew up, and I started learning what my new friends did. I watched more TV, and since my parents worked I ate microwavable food. It was a drastic change for me. But now I stay in and do homework, spend hours on the computer, and I always have my phone next to me, we have a TV in almost every room. Now that I have a younger brother and sister I see that they don’t even go outside and play. They just stay in and watch TV, and play video games. We can’t live without our phones. I saw an 8 year old the other day with a cell phone incase of an “emergency.” I didn’t have a phone until I was 15, and I had a part time job to help pay for it. We do live in a country where we value technology, and kids don’t know about anything else but the technology. I think that technology will keep growing.

  15. I agree with Stephanie when she says that technological appliances have made us impatient. With today’s mentality a person who doesn’t have a cell phone is out of their mind, and we get frustrated and impatient because we can never find them, or get a hold of them. It’s also true that television in many cases have become the focal points of our living rooms. Instead of getting together to play a board game or something families get together to watch television or play video games. This technology age has made us very lazy both physically and mentally.

  16. I believe we are becoming more and more dependent on technology as a society. Like that man on the comedy show said, "Everything's amazing and nobody's happy." People tend to take technological advancements for granted and feel like the world owes them more advancements so they can be happy. I don't think the values of technology override the subjective values yet because to me that implies that the world is already being run by machines. I think it's actually the opposite because new innovations are always made to satisfy humans as a priority. If anything, the subjective values override the technological ones as of now.

  17. While I agree with everyone that technology has increased the dependence towards it in society, I am shocked that the vast majority of posts consider that a bad thing. Like Ahmad said, it has made many things in life much easier. However, I do agree on how sad it is that kids aren't outside playing more and interacting with their peers and that it's a bit ridiculous for 8 year olds to have cell phones. But think about how much time is saved by vacuuming instead of sweeping or traveling to work via car or bus as opposed to walking. How about taking a shower every single day without having to draw cold water from a stream? If we want to go without technology for a while we might as well take away indoor plumbing or cut all the wires in our houses so we can't use electricity. Heck why not just move out of our houses while we're at it?
    Technological innovation has been happening long before any of us were born and it's probably going to continue long after we're gone. It is our personal choice as to how much we use technology and what happens to our values as a result. I think we'll be ok using a microwave to warm up food or a refrigerator to preserve it. There are still choices as to whether one wants to walk or use an automobile to get somewhere. Humans tend to pick what is more convenient. This goes back to my original point that advancements are made with human satisfaction in mind. We just have to learn not to take things for granted.

  18. I agree with everyone about how technology has taken over the world and how we rely so heavily on it. While it has made life much easier, it has its flaws, Gonzales mentioned how parents come from work tired with things still needed to be done its conveient just to turn on the tv and let them be entertained by that. But what kind of life is that. Ther has to be a balance. Karla mentioned how much fun it is to outside and do various activities instead starring at a screne. There was a story on CNN about health, one the most interesting parts of the show was a report about blue areas. Blue areas are places are parts of the world were people live the longest. These places showed people who ate all naturaL foods, harvested there own foods and supplies. They entertained themselves with activities, the overall point is these people lived longer and don't rely on technology at all, wow.

  19. We all have good points about technology. We all see technology in different ways but we relate to it. I agree with everyone. I agree with Kimesha that our values of toys, size, speed and information does override the subjective values that oppose the objective values of technology. I agree with Karla that many people are obsessed with internet social networks, like Myspace and Facebook. I mean they even have online dating series. They want to go online and meet people. It’s easy and fun to meet people online but it can also be very dangerous and we shouldn’t do it. (I don’t) its just risk people take. I also agree that technology is to blame for children being overweight. All kids want to do when they get home is sit and play video games all day, or be on the computer or watching TV. They don’t want to go outside and play. Its all indoor activities. Everyone has good points about technology and I agreed with all of you wrote.

  20. I agree with everyone that technology has become a major driving force in our lives. I liked the point that Karla pointed out highlighting our cultures obsession with social sites like facebook, myspace and twitter. These sites play into our need for information on others and a need for contact. I do believe that one day we will develop a backlash against information. I think everyone at some point has become a little frightened by how easily available our personal information is. This information, most of which we put out there ourselves is available to anyone with a computer and a little time on their hands. I think that our society will eventually go against this need for information because the invasion of privacy and the personal violation.

  21. I agree withKimesha B. that we value technology through the usage of the internet, cell phones, ipod's, etc. and that we as a society have technology at the center ofour lives.

    I agree with Karla Michelle that society has an "obsession with internet, social networks such as twistter, Myspace, Facebook and many others and that a lot of people "live by their cell phones". I like tha fact that she mention that alot of society values watching "rality shows" over reading a book or some people would rather hop on a treadmill instead of going out side for a walk or a jog.

    Heaven forbid the govenment ever out law our microwaves.

    I personally miss going to the park and have an all day picnic like we used too when I was growing up. We go to 8 o'clock mass and be at the park by 10am. Of course one of the adults would be at the park by 5am so that we could get the best place with the barbeque pit and pavillion or a place with the barbeque pit and a lot of beautiful trees surounding the picnic table.

    We would aways start the softball game after we had eaten lunch. After the softball game we have watermelon and all kinds of fruits from the farmers market. We take long walks in the park or go to the park zoo. We knew it was time to go home because the sun had gone down.
    "Those were the good old days".
    Oh, by the way, we did all of this with out cell phones.


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