Friday, February 20, 2009

How Pink are We?

Wow! Isn't this discussion awesome?!! (And fun, I might add). This is really the pleasure of my day to sit and read such thoughtful, respectful intelligent conversation. I, like most of you, don't think too much about the working conditions of the workers who make (or pick) the items I buy. I am too much of a relativist for that, I think. You can see, however, that the matter is much more complex than simple righteous anger. This discussion just might mirror what consumers in Industrial England might have said about the textiles they bought . . . .

Anyway, on to this week's topic. In this country, we have political parties and social movements that seem to align themselves or distance themselves from the ideas presented by Marx and Engels in The Communist Manifesto. How would you imagine certain groups (pick your own, Republicans, Democrats, Religious Right, Feminists, etc.) would see their group and their cause in the context of those communist ideas?


  1. When looking at the Republican Party I would say that their cause would be distant to that of the views of Communism. The reason being is that under their party there is two different classes:the rich and the poor.And when it comes to certain things it seems that only the rich seem to benefit according to this group's views. Communism was for stability, power in numbers, and equality, and that party just is not based on the values of Communism. This is just an opinion and not a bashing of this political party.

  2. Well, I don't really think that Democrats would find themselves fully within communist ideas because if they/we fully agreed with the communist ideas/point-of-view then there would be no Democrats but rather just Communists. Although, I must say that Marx and Engels really emphasized the positive points within their "Communist Manifesto," and wrote a rather persuasive document... especially when read by the middle class people.

  3. I think that the Democrats may in some way have common thoughts with the communists ideas. I think the Democratic Party is more into equality for all. The Democratic Party tends to attack the higher class in the United States. They portray the higher class to have too much, and that they are not being fair or equal with the middle and lower class.

    In comparison with the Communist Manifesto they are always complaining about the “bourgeoisie” higher class; the communist ideas it seems like they want to make the working class the “proletarians” more powerful and in control.

    This is much like the Democrats they want to make the middle class equal to the higher class.

  4. I'm caught in between agreeing with both of the Karlas (Karla R. and Karla D.)in their responses this week. I do agree with Karla D. that if the Democrates had the same ideas as the Communists then there would be no Democratic party at all just Communists. I agree with Karla R. on the basis of the Democrates are for equality for all like the Communism ideas. Also, I agree with Karla R. when she stated that the Democrates talk about the higher-upper class and portray them as being a greedy, selfish set of individuals and how they are not for the idea of equality for all social classes. The Communists had the same idea about the upper class as well. Both response where intriguing.

  5. Francisco said,
    I think the republican are going crazy right now because the Democrates are really pulling for every one. The Republican party as always ben for the RICH! They believe that what ever benefits the RICH is best for the United Stattes.

    We have learned the hard way that this is a miskage. The United States is in DEEP TROUBLE financially right now because the rich and greedy have abused the system.

    The love of money has come back to bite us in the butt. Because of that, it's going to take a long time for us to get back to a normal economy.

    I think Marx and Engel really had a great idea but some how it went too far. I hope President Obama can fix our economy and bring back honesty and integarty to the United States. Our President is going to have to find a better way of socializing our economy because we have seen the banking and wall street can't do it.


  6. I totally agree with Kimesha... The Republican party is far fetched from having anything in common with this whole notion of communism especially based on the fact that it really does seem as if, "when it comes to certain things it seems that only the rich seem to benefit according to this group's views." And like she said it's not bashing on that particular party but it's just what seems to be the case. And then I also agree with Karla R.'s idea that in a way the Democratic party seems to share some of the common ideas/notions with Marx and Engels view of communism, especially concerning the fact that in this particular view communism shapes, "ideas {which} seem like they want to make the working class the “proletarians” more powerful and in control which, is much like the Democrats whom want to make the middle class equal to the higher class." (somewhat paraphrase-not direct quote).

  7. I think many main groups in American society including the Republicans and the Democrats would agree with several of the ideas of communism. Of course no group in American society would say outright that they share ideals with the communist party. There are distinct economic classes in America and I believe that most people would like to improve the quality of life for the lower economic class. Many government social programs are put into place to benefit the lower economic class and improve their quality of life. I don’t believe however that any one of the major groups in America fully support the communist views

  8. I suppose the democrats would be most similar to the communist party, although I wouldn't really know since I don't pay attention to politics. On the democrat party website, they say they are committed to keeping our nation safe and expanding opportunities for every American. This would include the working man as well so that could relate to the communist obsession with the proletarians.

  9. I have to wonder whether Francisco's comment about the economy's current crisis is true. Given that he has more experience watching politics than I have and that he lived through the recession in the early 80s, his statement is probably correct, but I think perhaps the economy would have been in a bad spot anyway because that is just the pattern of the business cycle. Now I do not know how long the "good" part of the business cycle usually lasts but, from what I learned in high school Economics, the economy tends to move into recession after some time anyway.

  10. I don’t really agree with all of Francisco’s views. I don’t believe that are failing economy is to be put on the shoulders of just the Republicans and the rich. The majority of Americans are living beyond their means. Americans are obsessed with charging items, in hope that they will be able to pay it off later. Many Americans have been living in the present and not looking toward the future; that is the reason our economy is in such bad shape. I also don’t agree that the Republican party is only for the rich, if this was true could we say that the Democrats are only for the poor.

  11. I think that republicans without a doubt would have nothing to do with communism. Alot of their views are consistent with the idea of laisse faire. The stong survive and everybody else to bad so sad. Also they would never go for the idea of everybody being equal as far as their economic status. I agree with that though because i think it does not make sense for a person who is a doctor to make the same as a peron doing menial work. Ithink the democrats believe in some contextsof the ideals of communism. But i do not believe they are anywhere near close to practicing those ideals, i believe there idea of redistribution of wealth is just a means to provide oppurtunity to those not as fortunate to be born with wealth.

  12. I agree with Amy that most the main political group support some goverment subsidies that some may view consistent with the ideals of communism. Not one of them though believe in complete ovehaul of communism. I also agree that we should not stereotype pioliticall parties. As a nation though we can't depend on the goverment to do everything we need to be more responsible and help ourselves.

  13. I don't really like to say this, but I think the Democrat Party shares some of the ideals of Communism as laid out by Marx and Engels, but they carry it out in a much different way. President Obama is clearly more supportive of the working class and his higher tax for the wealthier class is proof of this. I have seen some articles bash Obama's politics and call him a Communist, but people only focus on the negative. Is it really so bad to rack up more support for the lower classes in society? I don't think Obama wants to make everyone equal nor do I think his decisions are aimed to knock the wealthy off the top of the ladder. Communist views are more extreme than those of Obama's current administration.

  14. In response to Ahmad,

    I find it interesting that you mention both Democrats and Republicans in your response. I especially like where you say that the Democrats' "idea of redistribution of wealth is just a means to provide oppurtunity to those not as fortunate to be born with wealth". I agree with your reasons for why you don't think either party could agree on terms of Communistic views.


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